Favicon Icon Download

Quickly Get Site Icons

Enter the domain or URL to retrieve the site’s favicon icon and related information

Website Icon

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Website Information

No data


No data

Frequently Asked Questions

Some common questions about downloading website favicon icons. We hope these can help you.

How can I quickly get a website's favicon icon?

Getting a website's favicon icon is easy. Simply enter the website's domain name, and our tool will automatically fetch the favicon icon and offer download options in various sizes. As long as the website has a favicon, we provide a convenient download link. Just access our tool, enter the domain, and quickly get the favicon you need.

How do I download favicon icons in different sizes?

Using our favicon download tool, you can choose from different icon sizes based on your needs. Simply enter the website's domain, and the tool will fetch the favicon icon for that site. You can select the size you need for download to ensure the best display on different platforms.

What file formats are available for downloading favicon icons?

Depending on the favicon provided by the target website, the available download formats may include common ones such as ICO, PNG, and SVG. You can choose the appropriate format based on your usage scenario and needs. For example, ICO format is suitable for website icons, PNG is ideal for higher-resolution displays, and SVG is a vector format that can adjust its clarity according to screen size.

What if a website doesn't have a favicon icon?

If you find that a website doesn't have a favicon icon, you can use our favicon download tool to check and retrieve the favicon in other formats if available.

How can I check if a website has a favicon icon?

To check if a website has a favicon icon, simply enter the domain in our favicon download tool. The system will automatically detect whether the favicon exists. If it does, we will display the favicon and offer different sizes for download.

Can I download a high-resolution version of the website’s favicon icon?

Yes, our favicon download tool supports multiple resolutions, including high-resolution versions, ensuring that your icon is clear and visible on high-DPI displays and various devices. Just enter the domain, and we will fetch all available favicon download options for you.